close up view of grass lawn

Home Tips – How do they get their lawn so nice?


Do you have lawn envy? My lawn never looked as good as my neighbors until I got serious about taking care of it. My neighbor told me some tips that helped a bunch. Now my grass looks better than it ever has!

  1. Aeration and over-seeding in the Fall
  2. Hire a service that applies 5 applications a year including a Fall treatment and then a Spring kick start
  3. Cut at 3 ½” every five days (I was cutting my grass at 3” once a week with mower blades that needed sharpening. In the Spring that is too short and not frequent enough.)
  4. Watering, when necessary

If your yard is brand new, you have quite a bit of work to do to get the yard of your dreams. Everything above applies but you also have to over-seed and be diligent about watering.

Cut your grass when it is tall enough and start yard applications after 3 months. It takes time and effort to get your best lawn and if you are not doing the above you have no chance. Good luck to all!


